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Dočeka te druga cura koja nije ni približno kao na slikama. Ja sam se okrenuo. Tako da ne gubite vrijeme.
Administrator: This profile is verified, however please be aware that the Euro Girls Escort cannot and does not make any guarantees or warranties that either the advertiser in the pictures on any particular ad will be the same individual who shows up for any date arranged between an advertiser and yourself.
Brazilian girl in the pocket rocket class. Lua restored my faith again in these types. She shows fun in het pictures and does even more fun in real life meetings. Best fun to be had with her.
Sára is a very passionate, beautiful and sociable girl. The date started with excellent coffee and great refreshments. We had a wonderful conversation. What came next can only be described as paradise.. Her perfect firm body is even better than in the photos. I'm sure it won't be the last time.
Best GFE experience i have ever met! She is super cute, tiny, with perfect shape tits, soft skin and charming smile. And so good ass which would like to kiss, lick and fuck! And she is really looks like porn model Emma Hix ))) Thank you Anna for that charming evening, 1000 kisses to you
No nii hea meel oli, et otsustasin tema juurde minna. See oli imeline kogemus. Milline pepu ja tissid! Ei suutnud üldse end tagasi hoida aga ta võttis nii hästi aja maha, et mul kohe ei tuleks. See keha on super ja tema nägu ja silmad vapustavad. Vahetab poose ülimalt hästi. Tõeline proff. Aitäh Sulle Giulia. Loodan, et õnnestub veel Sind nautida aga siis juba pikemalt.
I contacted this escort. We agreed to meet and I arrived at her address. But when she opened the door for me, there were 2 other escorts on that address, not girl from the photos. She uses fake profile with fake photos. I was completely disappointed. This escort is a common liar and manipulator. She uses this fake profile just to attract clients. Don't waste your precious time on her! Avoid this profile in a wide arc!!
To keep it short ..Wow.. still thinking about our meeting! A truly genuine girl lots of fun beautiful inside and out you truly made my night. Shes not a robotic type of girl she is interested to give you a good time and wants to make you happy which I really appreciated hard to find this in our days. Little advice please stay as you are !
I meet Amy and she are more beautiful in reality. She was very clean and professional, really knows what she's doing. I really enjoyed my time with her and I wish I could stayed with her for longer if not for my tight schedule. Next time when I come in Bucharest I will make time to stay longer with Amy. Kiss you
Boas confrades
TD feito há algumas semanas, estava pelo Porto e resolvi experimentar a menina. Já andava na lista há uns tempos.
viciada em ginásio e adora provocar, a quem recebe e a ela!!
Controlo de tempo
Excedeu o tempo sem stress
Marcação: Não foi fácil, mas lá se arranjou ao fim de algumas tentativas por WApp
Estacionamento: Fácil
Prédio com boas condições, higiene muito boa.
1ª impressão
Boa. bastante sensual,Corpo: muito Bom , Broxe fantastico e aquele Rabo maravilhoso demais
A Camila é muito bonita e sexy, muito cheirosa tbm . E muito higiênica uma coisa gosto muito .fotos reais. Abraços
Easy going and elegant, speaks well english and a bit Italian. Photos are real Lovely girl with a nice breast and athletic body. I had a lot of fun with her, plus good conversation. Had a good time, highly recommended
Truly amazing service. She will not only suprise you with her stunning appearance and hygiene, but also with her warm and kind personality. And yeah, when it comes to the encounter, you can really see that she goes out of her way to treat you as good as she can and it's so rare nowadays. I hope to see her again soon.